id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 2074,Function named VERSION causes problem with configure tools,anonymous,Robert Ramey,"Hi guys, In file: boost/archive/basic_xml_archive.hpp There are many functions with names all in capital. I think that, already, is a bad idea. The problem is that one of them is named VERSION. This is one of the -D flags generated by the automake/libtool suite and thus I cannot compile using the XML archive system without adding a fix (i.e. with -DVERSION=""1.3"" on the command line it just won't compile.) People at large won't have any control over that one. At this time, what I do is add this at the beginning of the file: #ifdef VERSION #undef VERSION #endif That works for me, but that is not a solution. I would think that the names need to be fixed. All capital names are reserved for macros and using those there is really bad. I would not be too surprised if some of these names would clash with #define's found in the MS-Windows header files too! Thank you. Alexis Wilke P.S. this is still a problem in the current SVN. ",Bugs,closed,,serialization,Boost 1.35.0,Problem,fixed,,