id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 2090 BOOST_IS_ABSTRACT fails to compile with gcc 4.3.1 on OpenSUSE 11 ruediger.berlich@… Robert Ramey "Hi there, the macro ""BOOST_IS_ABSTRACT"" fails to compile with gcc 4.3.1 on OpenSUSE 11 / 64 bit with the current (9.Jul 08) trunk version of Boost 1.36 The error message of the compiler says: ""error: expected unqualified-id before __is_abstract"" The same code compiles fine with gcc 4.2.1 (on OpenSUSE 10.3) and Boost 1.35. I have also tried an earlier trunk version of 1.36 with the same combination, which ran fine. Please do contact me if you want me to try out a patch in the OpenSUSE 11 environment. Best, Ruediger " Bugs closed Boost 1.36.0 serialization Boost Development Trunk Problem fixed BOOST_IS_ABSRACT gcc 4.3.1 ruediger.berlich@…