id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 2118 Clarification of at_thread_exit with respect to interruption Charles Brockman Anthony Williams "'''A.''' The documentation for ''at_thread_exit()'' and in the Interruption section of Thread Management should be amended. If a thread is interrupted and the exception is not caught, the thread will terminate. In that case is the function specified in ''at_thread_exit()'', if any, called? '''B.''' It would be beneficial to add an example of the use of ''at_thread_exit()'' in one of the programs in the ''\libs\thread\example'' subdirectory. '''C.''' In the Effects section of the documentation for ''at_thread_exit()'', the sentence[[BR]] ''A copy of func is taken and stored to in thread-specific storage.''[[BR]] should probably be[[BR]] ''A copy of func is taken and stored in thread-specific storage.''[[BR]] or simply[[BR]] ''A copy of func is placed in thread-specific storage.'' " Feature Requests closed Boost 1.36.0 thread Boost Development Trunk Optimization fixed