id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 2129,iterator problem in ublas::basic_range (boost/numeric/ublas/storage.hpp),brian.tyler@…,Gunter,"Decrementing (--) a forward iterator through a basic_range containing negative values throws an error (bad_index). This seems inconsistent because it is possible to increment (++) through such a range without throwing error. lines 937 - 941 of boost/numeric/ublas/storage.hpp read {{{ const_iterator &operator -- () { BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (it_ > 0, bad_index ()); -- it_; return *this; } }}} Removing ""BOOST_UBLAS_CHECK (it_ > 0, bad_index ());"" solves the problem. Similarly for the += and -= operators. The documentation makes no mention of the range needing to consist only of positive values and this seems a rather arbitrary restriction.",Feature Requests,new,To Be Determined,uBLAS,Boost 1.35.0,Optimization,,,