id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 2220 Stack overflow in get_mpi_datatype() for struct declared as primitive_type Evgeny Matthias Troyer "struct MyStruct { int dummy; }; BOOST_IS_MPI_DATATYPE(MyStruct); BOOST_CLASS_IMPLEMENTATION(MyStruct,primitive_type); ... get_mpi_datatype() // produces stack overflow ## Call stack: get_mpi_datatype(); mpi_datatype_map.datatype(...); mpi_datatype_oarchive::mpi_datatype_oarchive(const T& x); *this << x; //this serialization in turn calls get_mpi_datatype() Possible solution: use another mpi_datatype_oarchive constructor with no serialization (only for MPI_Type_struct() to be called) " Bugs closed Boost 1.36.0 mpi Boost 1.36.0 Problem invalid