id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 223,Boost.Jam Compile Fix,nobody,biochimia,"{{{ When I was trying to get Boost.Jam to compile for mingw, I had lots (and lots) of problems. Mainly, the fact that the boost-build.jam file was not made right. So, I edited the file and made a couple modifications to the script for the sake of ease too. All this is in the tools/build/jam_src directory, by the way. You can just overwrite the files included in the directory and execute as normal. If you have problems in MSYS, use the Windows command line. This won't break other compiles, I don't think, but I wouldn't go about inserting it into the tree without a good looking over. I also included a list of the changes I made for your reference. Ryan Egesdahl deriamis[at]yahoo[dot]com }}}",Patches,closed,,None,None,,Fixed,,