id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 2283,building boost fails with intel compiler 10.1 on 64bit ubuntu,Gunter,Peter Dimov,"I have got the following problem description: I am trying to compile boost_1_36_0 under ubuntu linux 8.04 64bit using intel compiler 10.1. i can compile correctly using gcc but when i choose the intel compiler (bjam intel) i get the error error: identifier ""__sync_lock_test_and_set ia undefined inr e = __sync_lock_release( &v_, 1 ); there exist some patches to correct this behaviour but they do not seem to work under ubuntu (nor under fedora)... a similar problem was reported on ticket #1938. However it does not solve this problem. The problem can be reproduced by simply adding using intel to the user-config.jam in the base boost directory and repeating the make (so to use the intel compiler) The compilation with gcc of the 1.36.0 works perfectly. The ""old"" version 1.34 can be compiled and used correctly using both intel compiler and gcc ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,Building Boost,Boost 1.36.0,Problem,fixed,,rrossi@…