id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 2575 Bug- Boost 1.36.0 on Itanium platform asonawane@… viboes ">Environment: >WinXP SP2/Visual Studio Team System 2005/Itanium cross compiler tools >1 . Generate boost libs using Itanium cross compiler command prompt with these options bjam -a --build-type=complete --toolset=msvc >architecture=ia64 --stagedir=Winia64 stage >2. Compiling under Itanium configuration in VS2005 generates several linker errors: >error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ._interlockedbittestandset referenced in function ""[Entry] bool __cdecl >boost::detail::win32::interlocked_bit_test_and_set(long *,long)"" (.?interlocked_bit_test_and_set@win32@detail@boost@@YA_NPEAJJ@Z) >error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ._interlockedbittestandset >libboost_thread-vc80-mt-1_36.lib(thread.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ._interlockedbittestandset >3.The projects compile fine under x86 and x64. _interlockbittestandset is not intrinsic on Itanium platform This sounds like an issue with Boost code itself. Your might want to either post to boost-devel, or file a bug at - Volodya " Patches closed Boost 1.50.0 thread Boost 1.36.0 Problem fixed interlocked viboes