id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 2805,Add Documentation to Date_Time to Highlight a Pitfall,Charles Brockman ,az_sw_dude,"A note should be added to the Date_Time documentation to warn programmers of a pitfall in the use of the comparison operators. Comparison of a valid date with not_a_date_time may return an unexpected result. In the expression, ''date A < date B'' if A is a valid date and B is ''not_a_date_time'', a Boolean true is returned. A programmer may expect that any comparison of valid date with ''not_a_date_time'' always returns false. In some cases it will return true. In the ''\libs\date_time\xmldoc\date_class.xml'' file in the Operator table of the Gregorian Date System section I suggest the following text. ''Warning: Some comparisons of valid dates and not_a_date_time will return true. See the \libs\date_time\test\gregorian\testdate.cpp program for illustrations of the comparisons.'' The tests for the various comparisons are included in a patch contained in Trac #2804. ",Bugs,new,Boost 1.39.0,date_time,Boost 1.38.0,Problem,,,