Boost C++ Libraries: Ticket #2812: Tutorial example errors <p> In the tutorial for Boost parameter there are a number of documentation errors in section 2.1.2 when initially giving the depth_first_search example. </p> <p> 1) The example says "depth_first_search algorithm is a generic function accepting from one to four arguments by reference" but clearly the generic function takes 5 arguments with some by value. </p> <p> 2) The third argument listed in the prototype is given as "typename graph_traits&lt;g&gt;::vertex_descriptor root_vertex" but probably should be "typename graph_traits&lt;graph&gt;::vertex_descriptor root_vertex" as there is no 'g' argument in the prototype. </p> <p> These are cosmetic documentation changes which should be made to allow someone who wants to understand the tutorial correctly to do so. </p> en-us Boost C++ Libraries /htdocs/site/boost.png Trac 1.4.3