id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 2881,Macros conflict: BOOST_HAS_FTIME and BOOST_NO_GETSYSTEMTIMEASFILETIME,Andrey Semashev,az_sw_dude,"There are two macros related to the WinAPI FILETIME-related functions: BOOST_HAS_FTIME and BOOST_NO_GETSYSTEMTIMEASFILETIME. The first one is documented as the one that is defined if the GetSystemTimeAsFileTime API is available, whereas the second one is defined when it's not (while other functions and the FILETIME type itself are available). On Windows Mobile it is possible to get both these macros defined, which is quite contradictory to the documentation. I believe, docs and tests should be corrected so that BOOST_HAS_FTIME is defined if the FILETIME type is available, and BOOST_NO_GETSYSTEMTIMEASFILETIME is only defined when the GetSystemTimeAsFileTime function is not available. A quick search shows that these macros are only used in Boost.DateTime and in the described meaning.",Bugs,new,Boost 1.39.0,date_time,Boost 1.38.0,Problem,,BOOST_HAS_FTIME BOOST_NO_GETSYSTEMTIMEASFILETIME,