id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 2894 Incorrect type for buffer_size and pback_size parameters gareth.sylvester-bradley@… Jonathan Turkanis "Documentation for [ stream::open] says: {{{ void open( const T& t, std::streamsize buffer_size, std::streamsize pback_size ); }}} That seems right to me. However, on some environments (64-bit), passing std::streamsize arguments causes compilation failure, since the actual implementation has these parameters as int everywhere [*], and the template forwarding stream constructor/open don't work correctly. Explicitly casting arguments to int in client code works, but changing these parameters everywhere in Boost.Iostreams to std::streamsize fixes things for me. [*] E.g. at line 16 of [ boost/iostreams/detail/push_params.hpp]: {{{ , int buffer_size = -1 , int pback_size = -1 \ }}} " Bugs closed Boost 1.39.0 iostreams Boost Development Trunk Problem fixed mateusz@…