id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 2947 serialization/throw_exception.hpp uses BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS in the wrong way apaku@… Robert Ramey "Using boost multi_index in a project that doesn't supply -fexceptions (or rather that supplies -fno-exceptions) to the compiler fails at linking time because there's an undefined reference to boost::throw_exception(std::exception). This appears to be caused by the #ifdef stuff in serialization/throw_exception.hpp, which uses std::exception if BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS is defined. However this define is set when exception support is turned off. Hence instead of ""#ifdef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS"" this should probably be ""#ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS"". Changing the header file accordingly makes the project I have here link properly. First version that breaks is 1.37, in 1.36 the problem doesn't appear." Bugs closed Boost 1.39.0 serialization Boost 1.37.0 Problem fixed