id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 2976,"The ""rule init"" for ""Initialize stlport support"" in the file tools\build\v2\tools\stlport.jam omits a colon after the word ""headers""",gestapo21th@…,Aaron Windsor,"When I build boost with stlport, and user-config.jam have been configured as below lines: # Configure specifying location of both headers and libraries explicitly. using stlport : 5.2 : /root/STLport_5.2.1/stlport : /root/STLport_5.2.1/lib ; I encounter building error which bjam can't find Then I found ""rule init"" for ""Initialize stlport support"" in the file tools\build\v2\tools\stlport.jam omits a colon after the word ""headers"": # Initialize stlport support. rule init ( version ? : headers # Location of header files libraries * # Location of libraries, lib and bin subdirs of STLport. ) After filled in the missing word, it can been built no error, finally! rule init ( version ? : headers : # Location of header files libraries * # Location of libraries, lib and bin subdirs of STLport. ) And the documentation, Boost.Build V2 User Manual, is consistent.",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.39.0,bjam,Boost 1.38.0,Problem,fixed,bjam stlport,