id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 29,Visual C++ and min/max specialization,nobody,John Maddock,"{{{ Boost's default configuration for Visual C++ 6.0 exposes some problems with the Visual C++ compiler when using min/max. (Boost version 1.26) I had setup a header to expose min/max template functions instead of using the min/max macros in stdlib.h: using std::min; using std::max; The same header included boost header (boost/operatiors.hpp) The problem: If I mixed types in the min/max call, Visual C++ would always call the specialized min/max function for the long type given in suffix.hpp. E.g. float y = min( (double)a, (float)b ); //call boost's min(long,long)!!!! I'm not sure why you have the specialization of min/max for long types in suffix.hpp, but from my perspective its more dangerous than it is useful. Without this template specialization, at least the compiler tells me that no version of min matches min (double,float). }}}",Bugs,closed,,None,None,,Fixed,,