id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 3000,Boost.foreach header conflicts with Python headers,Alexander Stukowski ,Eric Niebler,"When using the Python and Boost.Python headers in a program before including the Boost.foreach header, I get a weired compiler error in line 221 of boost/foreach.hpp. This is probably because the Python headers #define the word ""Bool"" used in that line. Changing the code in line 221 and 222 of foreach.hpp to template inline boost::mpl::not_ *not_(Bool1 *) { return 0; } avoids the problem. I used GCC 4.3.2 on Ubuntu Linux; Python 2.5 and Python 2.6.",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.39.0,foreach,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,fixed,,