id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 3014 Assertion on unregistering of extended_type_info mazay0@… Robert Ramey "/With boost version 1.39.0 I got the following behavior. On exit from the program an assertion assert(NULL != l) in extended_type_info.cpp:47 failed. After some debugging I have revealed that same instances of extended_type_info were registered by extended_type_info::key_register() several times (about 3-4 times each). I am not sure if it is normal. The program which I debugged, staticaly links a library, and this library includes same headers with serializable classes as the program. Anyway, the multimap returned by singleton::get_mutable_instance() may contain extended_type_info instances with the same m_key. BUT in extended_type_info::key_register():103, after removal of type info from the multimap, the value of m_key is being NULLed (m_key = NULL). Therefore, if this instance of extended_type_info is contained in the multimap at least once, it will make the next call of lower_bound to fail, because it has NULL in its m_key. As a temporary fix I have commented out the the following strings //assert(start != end); and //m_key = NULL; I removed the assertion because now the check in extended_type_info destructor may not work and key_unregister() method may be called for an instance allready removed from the multiset. I suppose that multiple registration can be caused by anonymous namespace introduced in export.hpp file around guid_initializer, but I didn't make deep investigations. The initial issue was observed on Win-32 + mingw-gcc.4.3 and on Ubuntu-Linux-64 + gcc.4.3" Bugs closed Boost 1.39.0 serialization Boost Release Branch Problem fixed