id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 3047,Potential redifinitions in visualc of BOOST_DISABLE_WIN32 and BOOST_NO_RTTI,nstewart@…,John Maddock,"There is some auto-detection logic in boost-1.38.0/boost/config/compiler/visualc.hpp to define BOOST_DISABLE_WIN32 and BOOST_NO_RTTI, depending on the environment. In our setup BOOST_NO_RTTI is already defined across all platform toolchains, and the logic results in a warning: .../boost-1.38.0\boost/config/compiler/visualc.hpp(136) : warning C4005: 'BOOST_NO_RTTI' : macro redefinition 304 command-line arguments : see previous definition of 'BOOST_NO_RTTI' This proposes patch will prevent the redefinition of these defines, if they are already defined. The issue appears to be unresolved in 1.39.0 The suggested patch w.r.t. 1.38.0: 132c132 < #ifndef _MSC_EXTENSIONS --- > #if !defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS) && !defined(BOOST_DISABLE_WIN32) 135c135 < #ifndef _CPPRTTI --- > #if !defined(_CPPRTTI) && !defined(BOOST_NO_RTTI) ",Patches,closed,Boost 1.40.0,config,Boost 1.38.0,Cosmetic,fixed,"define, redefinition, BOOST_DISABLE_WIN32, BOOST_NO_RTTI",