id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 3056,Bug in the documentation on Webpage,Jay Enders ,Gunter,"There is a mixup in a table mapping uBLAS to BLAS calls on URL In the ""comment""-column the l2 has to go to the euclidean and the linf has to go to the maximum norm. extract: _nrm2 norm_2 (x) sqrt (sum |xi|2 ) Computes the linf (euclidean) norm of a vector. i_amax norm_inf (x) index_norm_inf (x) max |xi| Computes the l2 (maximum) norm of a vector. BLAS computes the index of the first element having this value.",Bugs,closed,Website 1.X,uBLAS,Boost 1.38.0,Cosmetic,fixed,,