id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 3073,[assign] list_inserter regression test failure on VC10,Richard Webb ,Thorsten Ottosen,"The list_inserter test is failing on VC10 Beta 1: There are 2 problems here: 1) there is a possible ambiguity between boost::bind and std::tr1::bind. QUalifying the call to bind avoids this. 2) the bind to vector::push_back fails because there are now 2 versions of push_back (one that takes 'const T&' and one that takes 'T&&'). Applying the workaround that is currently used for Borland (line 66 of list_inserter.cpp) avoids the ambiguity and allows the test to pass. The same problem occurs in GCC 4.4 (, but that also some other failures as well.",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.40.0,assign,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,fixed,,