id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 3078,Assert failure caused by property_map with BGL bundled properties if compiled in Debug mode in VS2008 SP1,Artyom Arabadji ,Douglas Gregor,"The program attached compiles in Debug but causes an assertion failure if the graph contains bundled properties. The same code was tested with no properties attached to vertices/edges and no errors were observed. Here is the error: vector, line 160. Assertion Failed: Expression(""this->_Has_container()"", 0) This corresponds to the earlier call to a function on line 351 in property_map.hpp: inline R operator[](key_type v) const { return *(iter + get(index, v)) ; } Full stack frame from this call is: //////////////////////// std::_Vector_const_iterator >::operator+=(int _Off=47) Line 160 std::_Vector_iterator >::operator+=(int _Off=47) Line 376 std::_Vector_iterator >::operator+(int _Off=47) Line 382 > boost::iterator_property_map >,boost::vec_adj_list_vertex_id_map,unsigned int>,unsigned int,unsigned int &>::operator[](unsigned int v=47) Line 351 boost::put >,boost::vec_adj_list_vertex_id_map,unsigned int>,unsigned int,unsigned int &>,unsigned int &,unsigned int,unsigned int>(const boost::put_get_helper >,boost::vec_adj_list_vertex_id_map,unsigned int>,unsigned int,unsigned int &> > & pa={...}, unsigned int k=47, const unsigned int & v=27) Line 321 //////////////////////// This happens if program is compiled on VS2008 SP1 in DEBUG mode. If compiled in Release mode, program works as expected with no errors (atleast none that I can see). The program uses boost 1.38.0. Arty",Bugs,closed,,property_map,Boost 1.38.0,Problem,invalid,"bgl, property_map, vs2008",