id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 3290,proto::extends compilation error with function type on intel-darwin,François Barel ,Eric Niebler,"These Spirit ""actions"" test failures on trunk: - (intel-darwin-10.1) - (intel-darwin-11.0) appear to be because of ambiguity between {{{proto::as_child(T&)}}} and {{{proto::as_child(const T&)}}}, like in #3021 (gcc-3.4 bug). I think {{{BOOST_PROTO_BROKEN_CONST_QUALIFIED_FUNCTIONS}}} (the workaround added in r53158 to fix #3021) also needs to be defined on those platforms. Note that some toolsets using the same compiler versions appear to pass that test (, because in some cases the Intel compiler claims to be a gcc-3.4, so the existing workaround already kicks in. So I'm not sure what the exact condition should be... probably either {{{BOOST_WORKAROUND(__INTEL_COMPILER, BOOST_TESTED_AT(1100))}}}, or {{{BOOST_WORKAROUND(__EDG_VERSION__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(310))}}} like for {{{BOOST_PROTO_BROKEN_CONST_OVERLOADS}}}?",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.40.0,proto,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,fixed,proto extends function intel darwin,