id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 3301,Problem building boost with ICU (since version 1.39.0),Yana A. Kireyonok ,Vladimir Prus,"I have tried build boost 1.39.0 with MSVS 8.0, including regex library and with ICU support. The build string was {{{ bjam -j2 -sHAVE_ICU=1 --without-python --with-regex --build-dir=""D:\Temp\BoostBuild"" --toolset=msvc-8.0 --build-type=complete address-model=32 stage }}} (version 1.38.0 was allright with this build string). This raised an error: {{{ error: link=shared together with runtime-link=static is not allowed error: such property combination is either impossible error: or too dangerious to be of any use }}} Then I tried to narrow the building settings and use static linking only: {{{ bjam --toolset=msvc-8.0 --builddir=""D:\Temp\BoostBuild"" address-model=32 link=static runtime-link=static threading=multi stage debug release --with-regex -sHAVE_ICU=1 }}} This also did raise the same error, despite shared linking wasn't demanded explicitly. The problem comes when trying to build boost with ICU. Without ICU it seems beeing ok, but I need unicode support in regex. ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,Building Boost,Boost 1.39.0,Problem,,ICU,