id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 3321,Boost::regex throws invalid execption when assigning match text,Raymond Chandler III ,John Maddock,"Boost::regex::assign throws an exception on ""[A-Za-z_:,=\t\{\[\]\}]"" when it should not. The offending text within the text(heh) is ""[SomeMatchText\{\[\]\}]SomeMatchText]"". It does not matter where in the text ""\{\[\]\}"" is located it will always throw an exception if provided in that order. However, if you do ""[\}SomeMatchText\{\[\]]"" it will not throw an exception. I haven't tried other split combinations. This bug was noticed in version 1.38, the changelogs do not seem to indicate this bug being fixed.",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.40.0,regex,Boost 1.38.0,Problem,worksforme,Regex \{ \[ \] \} assign,