id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 373,LEDA graph adaptors for undirected graphs,Douglas Gregor,Jeremiah Willcock,"{{{ The LEDA graph adaptors in the BGL seem to work properly for directed graphs (the LEDA type GRAPH<...>), but there are no corresponding adaptors for the undirected LEDA graph type (UGRAPH<...>). Undirected LEDA graphs follow a very different model than the undirected graphs in the BGL, which will require some special machinery. The LEDA type UGRAPH<...> is actually just a class derived from GRAPH<...> that applies the ""make_undirected()"" member function upon initialization. make_undirected() moves all of the in-edges of each vertex to the out-edges list. This has several unfortunate consequences: 1) The in-degree of an undirected LEDA graph is always zero, even when the out-degree is greater than zero. The in_edges list is therefore empty. 2) When traversing the list of out-edges for a vertex u, the edges returned may have u as their target but not their source. This breaks an important invariant in the BGL, which mandates that source(e, g)==u if e came from out_edges(u, g). Similarly for in-edges. Thus, an undirected LEDA graph adaptor will need to introduce special adaptors for the out_edge_iterator and in_edge_iterator types, which return a new edge_descriptor type for LEDA that can swap the source and target of a LEDA edge as needed. Additionally, graph-mutating operations (such as add_edge) may need to ensure that the graph remains undirected, as if make_undirected() had been called. }}}",Feature Requests,reopened,To Be Determined,graph,Boost 1.39.0,Not Applicable,,,ich@…