id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 3758 "Using Boost Testing Framework from Jamfile generates warning about ""long long integer constant"" with gcc 4.2.2" Guillaume Chatelet Gennadiy Rozental "Hello everyone, I'm using Boost.Build to automate testing. The Jamfile.v2 is as follow {{{ import testing ; use-project /boost : /path/to/boost ; path-constant INCLUDE_PATH : path/to/include ; path-constant SOURCE_PATH : $(INCLUDE_PATH) ; project : requirements BOOST_TEST_MAIN multi $(INCLUDE_PATH) ; alias dependencies : /boost//unit_test_framework [ glob $(SOURCE_PATH)/*.cpp ] ; run main.cpp dependencies ; }}} so invoking /boost//unit_test_framework refers to boost unit testing framework's project. My test passes but while compiling the unit_test_framework libraries it generates the following warning ( gcc 4.4.2 ) {{{ ""g++"" -ftemplate-depth-128 -O0 -fno-inline -Wall -pedantic -g -pthread -fPIC -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 -DBOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK=1 -I""/home/gchatelet/boost"" -c -o ""/home/gchatelet/boost/bin.v2/libs/test/build/gcc-4.4.2/debug/threading-multi/interaction_based.o"" ""/home/gchatelet/boost/libs/test/src/interaction_based.cpp"" In file included from /home/gchatelet/boost/boost/detail/lcast_precision.hpp:16, from /home/gchatelet/boost/boost/lexical_cast.hpp:31, from /home/gchatelet/boost/boost/test/interaction_based.hpp:27, from /home/gchatelet/boost/boost/test/impl/interaction_based.ipp:26, from /home/gchatelet/boost/libs/test/src/interaction_based.cpp:16: /home/gchatelet/boost/boost/integer_traits.hpp:164:66: warning: use of C99 long long integer constant /home/gchatelet/boost/boost/integer_traits.hpp:164:77: warning: use of C99 long long integer constant /home/gchatelet/boost/boost/integer_traits.hpp:170:70: warning: use of C99 long long integer constant /home/gchatelet/boost/boost/integer_traits.hpp:170:70: warning: use of C99 long long integer constant }}} looking at the tests of boost unit testing framework ""boost/libs/test/test/Jamfile.v2"" I noticed it was already corrected in the tests but not in the build. {{{ rule test-btl-lib ( test-rule : test-name : lib-name ? : pattern_file * : source_files * : extra-libs ? ) { source_files ?= $(test-name).cpp ; return [ $(test-rule) $(source_files) ../build//$(lib-name) $(extra-libs) : #args : $(pattern_file) : #on # Activating -pedantic finds more gotchas # Unfortunately, this warns about the use of ""long long"" in gcc's own stdlib # So deactivate those warnings again gcc:-pedantic gcc:-Wno-long-long borland:-w-8080 msvc-6.5:static msvc-8.0:_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE all : $(test-name) ] ; } }}} It seems my test project triggers the -pedantic flag and then gcc complains about ""long long"". I'd like to activate the flag for my whole project and this warning about ""long long"" prevents me to do so. Can you consider my patch to apply the same workaround as for tests ? Best regards, Guillaume" Patches closed Boost 1.42.0 test Boost 1.41.0 Cosmetic fixed