id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 3768,Incomplete documentation for type_traits::extent and type_traits::rank,Edward Diener ,John Maddock,"The documentation for type_traits::extent is: ""Inherits: Class template extent inherits from integral_constant, where EXTENT(T,N) is the number of elements in the N'th array dimention of type T. If T is not an array type, or if N > rank::value, or if the N'th array bound is incomplete, then EXTENT(T,N) is zero."" This does not explain what this type_traits is about. The documentation for type_traits::rank is: "" Inherits: Class template rank inherits from integral_constant, where RANK(T) is the number of array dimensions in type T. If T is not an array type, then RANK(T) is zero. "" This does not explain what this type_traits is about. Decent documentation for both of these would be welcome.",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.42.0,type_traits,Boost 1.41.0,Cosmetic,fixed,extent rank,