id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 3815,Clearing an iterator range,Daniel James,Joel de Guzman,"The attached test fails to compile with this error: {{{ ../quickbook-1.5/boost/spirit/home/support/attributes.hpp:710: error: 'class boost::iterator_range' has no member named 'clear' }}} The problem is that `iterator_range` looks enough like a container so that `is_container` returns true, but it doesn't have a `clear` method. The attached patch attempts to fix this by adding a special case to clear iterator ranges. I used a slightly odd method to clear the range, because for some reason `begin` is called for the cleared range (this may be a bug) and that's not allowed for default constructed ranges (since default constructed iterators can be singular).",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.42.0,spirit,Boost 1.41.0,Problem,fixed,,