id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 3873,Promote Existing is_sorted Algorithm Detail to First-class Template / Track C++1x N3000 is_sorted{_until},gerickson@…,John Maddock,"This is in reference to the long thread at: The original proposal was as follows: The creasing algorithm templates define four template functions for determining the order properties of sequences, specifically:     * Increasing     * Decreasing     * Strictly Increasing     * Strictly Decreasing The implementation is a fairly trivial composition of the STL adjacent_find, not2 and {greater,less,greater_equal,less_equal}. For the purposes of sequence ordering validation, using these templates is more efficient and straightforward than creating a temporary, sorted version of some sequence and comparing it against the original sequence. Example:         bool         CheckPoints(const Points & inPoints)         {             const bool strictlyIncreasing = is_strictly_increasing(inPoints.begin(), inPoints.end());             if (!strictlyIncreasing) {                 cerr << ""Points must be in increasing order with ""                         ""no duplicate values.""                      << endl;             }             return strictlyIncreasing;         } The review files are available in both Sandbox and Vault: Sandbox: boost/algorithm/creasing.hpp libs/algorithm/creasing/example/creasing_ex.cpp libs/algorithm/creasing/example/Jamfile libs/algorithm/creasing/test/creasing_test.cpp libs/algorithm/creasing/test/Jamfile.v2 Vault: However, it was since discovered that: boost/detail/algorithm.hpp has an implementation of is_sorted that more than meets the requirements of the original proposal. Further, it was discovered that the current N3000 draft of C++0x (nay, C++1x) has is_sorted and is_sorted_until algorithms that also meet/exceed the original proposal requirements: So, this ticket requests: 1) Promote is_sorted from boost/detail/algorithm.hpp to boost/algorithm/sorted.hpp such that it is implied ""Yes, you can use this template. It is maintained and not just an implementation detail subject to change/disappearance."" 2) Better yet, update the implementation to include is_sorted_until proposed in C++1x N3000. It'll be a long time until before compilers widely support C++1x. Having a boost-equivalent implementation until then would be great.",Feature Requests,closed,To Be Determined,graph,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,wontfix,,giecrilj@…