id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 3919,Support for NVIDIA CUDA C++ Compiler,joel.falcou@…,John Maddock,"Some boost component can't compile when compiled with the nvidia c++ compiler for GPU systems. This patch add nvcc as a proper compiler in config/ so the proper BOOST_NO_XXX macro are set/unset. The patch also provide a BOOST_GPU_ENABLED macro that resolves as __host__ __device__ and allow any boost function to be compiled inside a CUDA kernel. Note that this patch is not the only one required for proper GPU support bu tit fixes a lot of annoying errors in low level components like MPL, Fusion, type_traits and similar.",Patches,closed,Boost 1.43.0,config,Boost 1.42.0,Problem,fixed,GPU NVIDIA nvcc CUDA,