id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 3929,"Property.tree - outdated ""Five Minute Tutorial""",Sergey Voropaev ,Sebastian Redl,"The documentation of ""Property tree"" does not correspond current version of library: 1)""Five Minute Tutorial"" ([]). It is not possible to compile function save(). The problem line is: {{{ ......... pt.put(""debug.modules.module"", name, true); ........ }}} 2) I built and ran example '''debug_settings.cpp''' ([]). The input file (debug_settings.xml) is not equal to output file (debug_settings_out.xml). As far as understand, library was changed in last version. Specifically, function '''put''' was changed and new function '''add''' was introduced. But ""Five Minute Tutorial"" was not updated. But, ironically, '''debug_settings.cpp''' was changed by commenting line with '''put''' function. As result, I spend a lot of time to make the first steps with this library. My suggestions:[[BR]] 1) Update ""Five Minute Tutorial"" to current version of library. Explain difference between put and add functions.[[BR]] 2) Update example. [[BR]] 3) Expand ""Five Minute Tutorial"" to more complex usage of library. Or add new chapter to documentation with examples of usage. Best regards Sergey Voropaev ",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.43.0,property_tree,Boost 1.42.0,Problem,fixed,,