Boost C++ Libraries: Ticket #3958: ssl::stream async_read_some and async_write_some handlers never run concurrently <p> Handlers passed to ssl::stream::async_read_some and ssl::stream::async_write_some are always invoked in the context of a strand. This strand is a member of openssl_stream_service, which is typically a process-wide instance. </p> <p> The effect of this is that a time-consuming async_read_some handler on one ssl::stream instance can block all other async_read_some and async_write_some handlers on other instances of ssl::stream. </p> <p> The code that does this is in boost/asio/ssl/detail/openssl_operation.hpp. Line 319 performs strand::wrap on the callback to openssl_operation::async_write_handler. At lines 367 and 373, async_write_handler invokes the user's handler function (passed to ssl::stream::async_write_some). This runs in the context of strand_. </p> <p> The strand instance in this case is always openssl_stream_service::strand_, as can be seen in asio/ssl/detail/openssl_stream_service.hpp, line 395. </p> <p> The situation for async_read_handler is similar. </p> en-us Boost C++ Libraries /htdocs/site/boost.png Trac 1.4.3 samjmill@… Fri, 04 Jun 2010 12:29:42 GMT cc set <ul> <li><strong>cc</strong> <span class="trac-author">samjmill@…</span> added </li> </ul> Ticket anonymous Wed, 23 Jun 2010 14:13:32 GMT <link> </link> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description> <p> This bug leads to such a great performance degradation. SSL version of my sample appliction is about 50 times slower than the same application with raw TCP/IP sockets. </p> </description> <category>Ticket</category> </item> <item> <author>tianhao.qiu@…</author> <pubDate>Thu, 12 Aug 2010 22:44:47 GMT</pubDate> <title/> <link> </link> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description> <p> Patch submitted based on the post: <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span></a> </p> </description> <category>Ticket</category> </item> <item> <author>tianhao.qiu@…</author> <pubDate>Thu, 12 Aug 2010 22:45:34 GMT</pubDate> <title>attachment set <ul> <li><strong>attachment</strong> → <span class="trac-field-new">asio_ssl_strand.patch</span> </li> </ul> <p> <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span></a> </p> Ticket dremon Tue, 07 Dec 2010 21:18:15 GMT <link> </link> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description> <p> This patch also solves a deadlock problem when making recursive connection to the server. There was a deadlocked async_handshake called from the read_handler, now it works ok with this patch. </p> </description> <category>Ticket</category> </item> <item> <dc:creator>anonymous</dc:creator> <pubDate>Wed, 08 Dec 2010 09:36:34 GMT</pubDate> <title/> <link> </link> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description> <p> Correction: it still deadlocks occasionally, but at least the server still accepts other connections. Without the patch the server was completely locked. </p> </description> <category>Ticket</category> </item> <item> <dc:creator>fred</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 01 Feb 2011 09:01:56 GMT</pubDate> <title/> <link> </link> <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> <description> <p> I thought that with open-sources, fixes come quickly... tianhao provided a fix (thanks for him)... Why is it so long to integrate it in the next release? </p> </description> <category>Ticket</category> </item> <item> <dc:creator>chris_kohlhoff</dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 06 Jun 2011 01:48:20 GMT</pubDate> <title>status changed; resolution set <ul> <li><strong>status</strong> <span class="trac-field-old">new</span> → <span class="trac-field-new">closed</span> </li> <li><strong>resolution</strong> → <span class="trac-field-new">fixed</span> </li> </ul> <p> As of <a class="changeset" href="" title="Merge asio from trunk.">[72428]</a>, release branch contains the new SSL implementation. </p> Ticket