id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 4019 improve interprocess exception what() string Marty Olevitch Ion Gaztañaga "Dear Ion, I am planning to use your message_queues in new project and like it. However, I find the exception messages not very useful. One problem may be that in interprocess/exception.hpp, the constructor interprocess_exception(error_code_t ec = other_error ) always sets the m_str value (which is returned by the what() member function) to the same phrase boost::interprocess_exception::library_error Better would be something that is appropriate for each type of error, for example: message_queue receive: buffer_size (1) < max_msg_size (100) There are only a few places where exceptions are thrown in message_queue.hpp. Would it be possible to have for each of them more useful error messages for the what() strings? " Feature Requests closed Boost 1.45.0 interprocess Boost 1.42.0 Problem fixed joseph.h.garvin@…