id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 405,call to split_winmain raises exception for 8-bit locale,nobody,Vladimir Prus,"{{{ This bug is detected for boost::program_options::split_winmain function and debug version CRT of the VC 7.0 under WinXP. The problem is: split_winmain (winmain.cpp, line 62) uses isspace() from VC CRT. The isspace() got int value which < 0 and not EOF and raises exception. That int value is russian symbol in rus_russia.1251 locale and casted to int. Before to call to winmain i had setted locales for CRT and STL: if (NULL == setlocale(LC_ALL, ""rus_russia.1251"")) { ... } std::locale::global(std::locale(""rus_russia.1251"")); ... I suppose, there is simple fix: change isspace(*i) call to isspace((unsigned char)*i) }}}",Bugs,closed,,None,None,,Fixed,,