id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 4084,"[result_of, tr1] use of decltype in boost::result_of breaks ",Eric Niebler,Daryle Walker,"Boost.TR1 is supposed to provide an implementation of TR1's library functionality. The change to boost::result_of on truck to use decltype on supporting compilers makes Boost.TR1's implementation of std::tr1::result_of non-compliant, as evidenced by the recent Boost.TR1 regression test failures on c++0x toolsets. It also breaks Proto because there is a bug in the specification of decltype that causes code that is valid with TR1 result_of to break with the c++0x result_of. The attached patch fixes the issue with boost::result_of and . It adds a new template in called tr1_result_of that implements the TR1 result_of protocol regardless of whether decltype is available or not. It also changes to define std::tr1::result_of in terms of boost::tr1_result_of. ",Patches,closed,Boost 1.44.0,utility,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,fixed,result_of decltype tr1,john@…