id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 4136,"Boost.Range : put ""using namespace boost::adaptors"" creates conflict.",thomas.petit33@…,Neil Groves,"Hi,[[BR]] With the current version on the trunk, I get compilation errors with the following program (MSCV10 RC1). {{{ #include using namespace boost::adaptors; int main() { } }}} Message error : ""1>F:\Program Files\boost\boost/range/iterator.hpp(63): error C2039: 'type' : is not a member of 'boost::mpl::eval_if_c'"" ... See [1] to get the full message error. I narrowed down the problem to the three adaptors ""copied, sliced and tokenized"". See below : {{{ // Uncomment one the three adaptors below to get the same compilation error // #include // #include // #include // these one are fine #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace boost::adaptors; int main() { } }}} [1] full error message {{{ 1> Creating ""Release\TestRangeEx.unsuccessfulbuild"" because ""AlwaysCreate"" was specified. 1>ClCompile: 1> main.cpp 1>F:\Program Files\boost\boost/range/iterator.hpp(63): error C2039: 'type' : is not a member of 'boost::mpl::eval_if_c' 1> with 1> [ 1> C=false, 1> F1=boost::range_const_iterator, 1> F2=boost::range_mutable_iterator 1> ] 1> F:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\xstring(1920) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::range_iterator' being compiled 1> with 1> [ 1> C=unsigned int 1> ] 1> F:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\xstring(1919) : while compiling class template member function 'void std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits,_Ax>::_Copy(unsigned int,unsigned int)' 1> with 1> [ 1> _Elem=wchar_t, 1> _Traits=std::char_traits, 1> _Ax=std::allocator 1> ] 1> F:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\xfunctional(900) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits,_Ax>' being compiled 1> with 1> [ 1> _Elem=wchar_t, 1> _Traits=std::char_traits, 1> _Ax=std::allocator 1> ] 1>F:\Program Files\boost\boost/range/iterator.hpp(63): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'type' 1>F:\Program Files\boost\boost/range/iterator.hpp(63): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int 1>F:\Program Files\boost\boost/range/iterator.hpp(63): error C2602: 'boost::range_iterator::type' is not a member of a base class of 'boost::range_iterator' 1> with 1> [ 1> C=unsigned int 1> ] 1> F:\Program Files\boost\boost/range/iterator.hpp(63) : see declaration of 'boost::range_iterator::type' 1> with 1> [ 1> C=unsigned int 1> ] 1>F:\Program Files\boost\boost/range/iterator.hpp(63): error C2868: 'boost::range_iterator::type' : illegal syntax for using-declaration; expected qualified-name 1> with 1> [ 1> C=unsigned int 1> ] }}} ",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.43.0,range,Boost 1.42.0,Problem,fixed,,