id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 413,TOP environment variable crashes installation via bjam,cxdunn,nobody,"{{{ Immediate segmentation fault running bjam! I found the cause: I had TOP=all set as an environment variable. (This tells the UNIX utility 'top' my default settings.) That causes bjam to crash, which prevents installation of boost. I don't mind that bjam uses ""TOP"", but it shouldn't seg fault. This was not easy to track down. (I compared my environment with that of a friend who could compile boost, and changed everything one at a time. It took hours.) Probably, if somebody else has this problem, he'll never even figure out the cause. So this really needs to be changed. Op System: Red Hat Linux boost 1.32 g++ 3.4.3 }}}",Bugs,closed,,None,None,,Fixed,,