id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 4186,"BOOST date_time:""time_resolution_traits"" undeclared or ambig error on IBM XL on AIX",ccambly@…,az_sw_dude,"Tests affected: interprocess/comp_doc_anonymous_mutexA interprocess/comp_doc_anonymous_mutexB interprocess/comp_doc_anonymous_semaphoreA interprocess/comp_doc_anonymous_semaphoreB interprocess/comp_doc_anonymous_upgradable_mutexA interprocess/comp_doc_anonymous_upgradable_mutexB interprocess/comp_doc_anonymous_conditionA interprocess/comp_doc_anonymous_conditionB The compile-time error on with IBM XL (vacpp) on AIX is occuring due to name collision between a macro name (v_type) found on the OS in /usr/include/sys/vnode.h and same named template argument found in the boost header boost/date_time/time_resolution_traits.hpp. Here is a reduced test that demonstrates the problem: t.C ========= // From /usr/include/sys/vnode.h enum vtype { VNON, VREG, VDIR, VBLK, VCHR, VLNK, VSOCK, VBAD, VFIFO, VMPC }; typedef enum vtype vtype_t; struct gnode { enum vtype gn_type; }; struct vnode { struct gnode *v_gnode; }; #define v_type v_gnode->gn_type template class time_resolution_traits { }; ============== Command: xlC -c t.C Result: ""t.C"", line 15.21: 1540-0063 (S) The text ""->"" is unexpected. Note that this problem is specific to AIX due to this macro used in AIX header. Linux or other operating systems do not appear to exhibit this problem. The solution is to provide a Boost patch file that renames template argument to another name in order to avoid name collision with the system files.",Bugs,new,Boost 1.54.0,date_time,Boost 1.54.0,Problem,,,