id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 4218,Bug in linux version of function boost::interprocess::set_file_pointer,im.valdik@…,Ion Gaztañaga,"{{{ inline bool set_file_pointer(file_handle_t hnd, offset_t off, file_pos_t pos) { return off == ::lseek(hnd, off, (int)pos); } }}} Comparision ""off == ::lseek(...)"" is correct only if user is setting pointer from the begining of the file 'file_begin'. But if user is setting file pointer to zero from 'file_end' (setting file pointer to the end of file) set_file_pointer function will return false, even if lseek didn't failed. I think its better to change code to something like this {{{ inline bool set_file_pointer(file_handle_t hnd, offset_t off, file_pos_t pos) { return -1 != ::lseek(hnd, off, (int)pos); } }}}",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.45.0,interprocess,Boost 1.44.0,Problem,fixed,,