id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 4246,"[value_init] Please replace Boost Test (""minimal.hpp"") by lightweight_test",niels_dekker,Fernando Cacciola,"At the moment, Boost Test has regression failures on various compilers, including IBM V11.1, Sun 5.10, MINGW-4.3.3, and Borland 6.2.1 (Codegear, Embarcadero). In utility/value_init_test.cpp, the following line triggers compile errors on those compilers: {{{ #include ""boost/test/minimal.hpp"" }}} I think we should not continue resolving value_init issues like #3869 until ""value_init_test"" is colored entirely green again at It seems to me that Borland is fundamentally broken in this case. In the past, Boost Test compiled well on Borland, but nowadays it has become too hard to swallow for Borland. For example, because it now depends on boost::exception. Boost Exception does not have enough support for Borland (ticket #4068). Therefor I'm proposing to switch from Boost Test to the lightweight test library by Peter Dimov: I would like to do so for according to the attached patch. Fernando, do you agree?",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.43.0,utility,Boost 1.44.0,Problem,fixed,,