id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 4366,Graph with MPI fails to compile due to mismatch between size of types,webmaster@…,ngedmond,"[BOOST_PATH]/boost/graph/distributed/unsafe_serialize.hpp(40) : error C2182: 'abstract declarator' : illegal use of type 'void' This error occurs during x64 compilation with MSVC 10.0 under Windows 7 x64, where sizeof(int) != sizeof(void*) && sizeof(long) != sizeof(void*). typedef mpl::if_c<(sizeof(int) == sizeof(void*)), int, mpl::if_c<(sizeof(long) == sizeof(void*)), long, void>::type >::type ptr_serialize_type; As Windows uses LLP64 model, which defines a long type as 32bit integer, two cascaded conditions fail. Then ptr_serialize_type is declared as a void type. I think it can be fixed with replacing the last 'void' with 'long long' or using conditional compilation for windows under x64.",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.44.0,graph,Boost 1.43.0,Problem,fixed,,