id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 438,shared_ptr/weak_ptr tests are not C++ spec compliant,nobody,Peter Dimov,"{{{ Please refer to the latest C++ spec (Second edition, 2003-04-01), section 12.8.15, ""Copying class objects"". Look at your source code in test/weak_ptr_test.cpp. 1. You cannot assume the reference count of the shared_ptr going into the copy_assignment function is one. The spec says that compilers are allowed to make an optimization to eliminate a copy, but not mandated to do so. This means that the effective reference count upon entry to the function may be two, not one. To correct your unit tests, forcibly create a local object that you pass by value to guarantee the reference count is two upon entry for all compilers. To respond to the following email address, remove all capital Z's. }}}",Bugs,closed,,smart_ptr,None,,Fixed,,