id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 4431,stdint.h not available in CUDA nvcc + visual studio,Sergey Mitsyn ,Joel Falcou,"The ""boost/config/compiler/nvcc.hpp"" contains ""#define BOOST_HAS_STDINT_H"", but it looks like stdint.h availability for CUDA nvcc is platform-dependent; it is unavailable if nvcc is used with visual studio (in my case it is vc9). Thus this fails to compile with nvcc: #include ""boost/cstdint.hpp"" Also, AFAIK, nvcc passes all code that is not CUDA-related to the native compiler that is g++ on linux and cl on windows. So, it may sound silly, but commenting out anything and including ""boost/config/compiler/visualc.hpp"" in nvcc.hpp helps with several other compile errors, of course for msvc only. ",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.44.0,concept_check,Boost 1.43.0,Problem,fixed,CUDA nvcc stdint.h,joel.falcou@…