id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 443,no Boolean conversion for boost::rational,Daryle Walker,Jonathan Turkanis,"{{{ The boost::rational class template, in header file , does not support conversion to a Boolean value. It does have an ""operator !"" defined, though. It is a surprise for a type to have one of these operations but not the other. Currently code like ""if ( !r )"" works but not ""if ( r )"", which should be expected. A solution is to add a conversion operator to a type that can be used in Boolean contexts, but as little else as possible. A suggestion is to use a pointer-to-member (to data or function) type that is unique to each version of boost::rational, where the exact values are private. }}}",Bugs,closed,,None,None,,Fixed,,