id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 4493,shared_array lacks get_deleter method,Matthew Carter ,Peter Dimov,"shared_ptr has a get_deleter() method, which is very useful. shared_array does not have a get_deleter() method. Since the deleter for a shared_array is passed to the constructor by value, there is no straightforward way* for the caller to get a pointer or reference to it. If the caller needs access to the deleter object's state or methods, which is entirely reasonable, the caller has no way to get it. A get_deleter() method should be added to shared_array to meet this requirement and for consistency with the shared_ptr class. *True, the caller can pass the deleter wrapped in a container object that holds a reference to the deleter, but that's a contortion that should not be necessary.",Feature Requests,closed,Boost 1.44.0,smart_ptr,Boost 1.44.0,Problem,fixed,,r_q_einstein-boostbugs@…