id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 4522 allocation problem after grow razzik@… Ion Gaztañaga "Hi, the allocation mechanism damaged by call grow() function... This part work fine: ''/* Create SM - Size 100K*/[[BR]]managed_shared_memory shm(create_only, ""MySM"", 100*1024);[[BR]]/* SM full size - 100K*/[[BR]]int fullSMSize = shm.get_size();[[BR]]/* SM mem size - 100K - sizeof(SM Header)*/[[BR]]int memSMSize = shm.get_free_memory;[[BR]]/* alloc 64K in SM (64K<100K)*/[[BR]]void* ptr = shm.allocate(64*1024);'' By adding grow function the allocate function throws exception: ''/* Create SM - Size 100K*/[[BR]]managed_shared_memory shm(create_only, ""MySM"", 100*1024);[[BR]]'''/* Grow SM By 28K*/[[BR]]managed_shared_memory::grow(""MySM"",28*1024);[[BR]]'''/* SM full size - 128K*/[[BR]]int fullSMSize = shm.get_size();[[BR]]/* SM mem size - 128K - sizeof(SM Header)*/[[BR]]int memSMSize = shm.get_free_memory;[[BR]]/* alloc 64K in SM (64K<128K)*/[[BR]]void* ptr = shm.allocate(64*1024);'' Thanks, Raz" Bugs closed Boost 1.44.0 interprocess Boost 1.43.0 Showstopper invalid interprocess shared_memory ipc grow allocation razzik@…