id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 4670 Revised boost/config/compiler/gcc.hpp causes linker errors for Cygwin WIN32 apps cvclarkeiii@… Robert Ramey "A revision to boost/config/compiler/gcc.hpp makes the assumption that because Cygwin does not define a WIN32 macro, a WIN32 macro will never be defined when compiling applications for Cygwin. Win32 applications are supported under Cygwin, and the use of some third party libs (i.e. Agilent I/O Libraries) requires that a WIN32 macro be defined. This problem causes linker errors similar to the error below: scons: done reading SConscript files. scons: Building targets ... g++ -o test_serialization.o -c -g -Wall -ansi -mwin32 -mthreads -I/c/dvlp/boost_1_44_0 test_serialization.cpp g++ -o test_serialization.exe test_serialization.o -L/c/dvlp/boost_1_44_0/stage/lib -lboost_serialization -lboost_date_time -lboost_system Cannot export _ZN5boost13serialization9singletonINS_7archive6detail12_GLOBAL__N_116guid_initializerI7DerivedEEE12get_instanceEv: symbol not found Cannot export _ZN5boost13serialization9singletonINS_7archive6detail12_GLOBAL__N_116guid_initializerI7DerivedEEE20get_mutable_instanceEv: symbol not found collect2: ld returned 1 exit status scons: *** [test_serialization.exe] Error 1 scons: building terminated because of errors. A patch is attached that fixes this problem " Bugs closed To Be Determined serialization Boost 1.44.0 Problem fixed setosha@…