Boost C++ Libraries: Ticket #4722: Locale problem in date_input_facet <p> I was adapting my code to work inputs from strings and outputs for strings with the local_datetime class for different languages, and came across a problem in local_time_input_facet. Even when I change the global locale the code was just accepting the strings in English. Analyzing the code of the class I realized that the parent class date_input_facet always defined the internal parser to locale:: classic () (date_facet.hpp line 451 and 462 m_parser(m_format, std::locale::classic())). I changed the definition for std::locale() and the program now work correctly (m_parser(m_format, std::locale())). This is a bug, or is there any reason to be this way? I am developing on Windows XP with Visual Studio Express 10. </p> en-us Boost C++ Libraries /htdocs/site/boost.png Trac 1.4.3