id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 4770,trac custom query needs single option for muliple field search,Jim Bell ,Douglas Gregor,"The trac custom query page needs a single option to allow searching across multiple fields, particularly Summary, Description and Keywords. Right now, to query 'xyz' in either Summary, Description or Keywords for a single Component, you have to set up an OR search for each field, and duplicate the Component for each OR-part. For instance, the current scheme requires this duplication: (Component is 'c' AND Summary contains 'xyz') OR (Component is 'c' AND Description contains 'xyz') OR (Component is 'c' AND Keywords contains 'xyz') ",Feature Requests,new,Website 1.X,trac / subversion,,Not Applicable,,trac query,