id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 47,V2 initialization behavior,david_abrahams,René Rivera,"{{{ Initialization We check the name used to invoke Jam, and if the name is not the recognized Boost.Jam invocation we continue with the execution of the builtin Jambase. Otherwise, when we recognize a Boost.Jam invocation, we: We attempt to load ""boost-build.jam"" by searching from the current invocation directory up to the root of the file-system and in the paths specified by BOOST_BUILD_PATH. Within this, one invokes the ""boost- build"" rule to indicate where the Boost.Build system files are, and to load them. If the Boost.Build system isn't loaded yet we error and exit, giving brief instructions on possible errors. We attempt to load ""project-root.jam"" by searching from the current invocation directory up to the root of the file-system. When found its location is noted as the PROJECT_ROOT. Finaly we load the ""Jamfile"" in the invocation directory. There are various spellings considered when finding the ""Jamfile"", the pattern for the name must fit: (J|j)amfile[.jam]. }}}",Tasks,closed,,jamboost,None,,Fixed,,